lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011


This new comment on my blog I dedicate to God because without it there could do what I can do today in my life, because talking about travel, on adventure and why not talk about the person who helps us all this come true because without it there could do nothing, this is my opinion and those who want can take it, here are a few days of how God created the world are just a few because there are many days that I take, I would like to talk about all that God has done but no end to talk about, but if I live in Guatemala can send an email to if they want to attend me a group to be closer to God in his heart
First Day: A long, long time. God created the heaven and the angels. The sky is wonderful. God lives there with his angels. Below there was nothing. It was a great void that dark and gloomy. God intended: the earth is made. And the earth was made. For all that God has done immediately. But still the dark. Then God said, Let there be light. And there was light. Thus ended the first day of Creation.

Second day: God created the blue sky we see from the earth, not heaven where He and his angels live. Is the sky where clouds sail and want to achieve the kites. The sky of the swallows and the Roman candles.

Third Day: At first the earth and water were mixed, forming a great neighborhood. On the third day, God separated the land and water. He created the seas, lakes and ponds. In the land brought forth the weeds and roses. And he commanded them to grow trees such as oaks and ombúes, ceibos and pines. Everything was being cute.

Day Four: The fourth day God created the sun, moon and stars. For the sun shines by day, so there sunrises and sunsets, to shelter the poor kids in winter and the shadow look cooler in summer. To the moon and the stars set to be less black at night, so make them small verses to the moon and to have a place to get the rockets.

Fifth Day: God created birds and fish. So he created the birds and fish. The benteveo and mojarrita, the vultures and silversides, whales, condors, sharks and birds, orioles and gave glory to God by singing in the branches. And waited for the fishermen fish, and fishermen had not yet.

Sixth Day: Day Six When he arrived, he created all animals other than birds or fish. From elephants to mice, from rhinos to weasels. The lion and the horse. The cockroach and cricket. Grasshoppers and snakes. Dogs and cats. And then God decided: I am going to create man. He made a clay figure, roughly the size of a person, blew on it and gave him an immortal soul. The figure came to life. It was the first man called Adam.

Seventh Day
 He ended his work, God rested. And so we should be taught that a little rest after working hard and well.

To Guatemala ,To You

I did not know how to begin to think about it that I would speak, but thought about something that we live here in Guatemala Journal and not all of us realize what we went through and what happens to our surrounding child labor in Guatemala is already part of our daily lives, as it is in Guatemala this is like commenting on burglars, drug dealers, and many more violations of the law of the Republic of Guatemala, child labor is a major issue in Guatemala, let alone globally.
We've all been part of the causes of child labor which could also be part of that, a great example is when we go in the car and a child approaches us to offer several things such as chewing gum, balloons, cleaning the windows of automobile
and so on. And in response we give thanks and if terminal end when we give a few pieces that really have meaning for all risks that the child first put their lives on that pass as trampling or being robbed or any violence known in Guatemala.
These coins we give does not mean us any worse off in the area for many of them these coins are used for food or for misuse that give parents instead of giving them an education as any man can acquire. Because it has to work if they can be studied in schools perfectly free.
As is common sense to work is the development of an activity or physical effort to perform such activity that it becomes "work" and to tell us as children is normal that we have a very simple definition as saying " child "but to have a clearer definition says he is quite right to say no abiding charismatic bad mistakes in life means that a person guilty of himself.
But when looking for child labor in the dictionary there should not exist because the word as it is against the rights of the child.
In Guatemala Guatemalan 14.2 million of 2000 working in different activities such as those mentioned above, the work to be done at home not to be confused with child labor and the house is very different because there are no forced labor is
the duty of every child who lives at home with your father.
When we see that a child is abused with something can be also forced child labor in order to please as it is an offense against the law of Guatemala.
We know each person and accept it as is because each of them we can learn many things, among them new things to life.
Life will be easier if we are advised to take examples of each. Older people can learn a thousand or something, we must be guided by them since they have more experiences many situations, which we young people. There are different types of people in the world such as athletes, intellectuals, Bohemians, religious, each of these people have to marry the best, learn, learn to respect their beliefs and way of life by placing our hearts as we We believe it is the right thing. Everyone should respect each other but the most admirable of a person to me is his soul through which everyone will have the grace we need to be with God and cultivate the spirit. We should always try to be better every day as we hand carried the examples, positive and negative attitudes of the people we live with daily socialized so in the future so intellectually and morally.

"Do good things if you want to receive good things


Lost in fantasy for pizza
It was vacation time and it was time to forget everything, the trip awaited not only by my family I was too excited that at last it was time to pack up and go spend a few days in one of the most incredible of all world, had read about this city, of all the sights it had, his style of life which was very interesting because it is a city that mixes a bit of fashion, business and cinema, it has been many important developments in the referred to as the city that never sleeps, the day came as expected, was a very exciting day, bags, everything was ready to go to our destination as expected.
The flight was very quiet, had no complications and after waiting so long for this trip had finally reached the famous city that "never sleeps" to my desired destination, the weather was cold that day because it was late season year and is already approaching the days of the celebrations. When you arrive just how amazing I thought it was exciting to observe so many modern buildings, many yellow taxis with circular black boxes all over the streets, advertising and look so striking to me was everything too, were amazed to see so many things and same time I really wanted to know them all.
That day was a bit tired and we were all exhausted we decided to go toward the hotel, on the way I kept seeing all the streets and the highway with great astonishment, we come to the area of ​​Manhattan, this area is very touristy and is part of the exclusive offered by this city, the hotel where I stay with my family all the people were very polite and smiling, the atmosphere was very comfortable and the hotel was very relaxing, definitely a good service. New York is a huge city where you can find all sorts of things at the same time there are a lot of entertaining and unusual in which they can spend some quality time.
 I did many things, but among the many activities carried out in NY were the best I could have had and done. One of the most incredible is one of the most popular tours in this area that get more attention from tourists, the famous tour of the Statue of Liberty Express is one of the many tours where you could see the statue of freedom, gives a brief history and a journey through the most renowned in this area, such as Ground Zero, Brooklyn Bridge and Empire State.
This city is well known for the variety of things you can do activities that are rare but attract much attention, one of the activities that you could say is the most common and is characteristic of the city without certainly not to be missed is a good piece of pizza, I remember the pizza experience, I think it was an amazing night next to my family during the day we wanted to eat but it's amazing how many tourists who also want a delicious slice of pizza and to enter the ranks are somewhat tired and tedious, at night the pizzeria called Patsy's pizza was very quiet, we decided to go to dinner,.
Is a restaurant very modern and yet has a style unique very peculiar, has an Italian atmosphere with a homemade touch, the menu is incredibly rich, you can taste not only pizza but also offers salads, soups and rich pasta, try a piece of original pizza from new York pizzeria has been great, that day the whole family get upset with a rich mozzarella pizza extra call with a combination of pepperoni, very rich, in comparison to other pizza I had tasted in my life at that size is no so great in his pieces, but I do not regret try, the restaurant could hear a lot of jazz classic, and to put more emotion and American environment a baseball game in the American League.
During that night at the pizza was nice because we share special moments with the family and to end a night of delicious food and friendly atmosphere rich dessert, a rich chocolate cake served with vanilla ice cream, a very tasty final I can tell you and recommending you to all who do not know New York to go to a pizzeria and the atmosphere as I was certainly not what they have to lose anything. As mentioned before this city is amazing has a variety of places, are all amazing at the same time want to go to many, including stores that I liked most I can say that was the shop of M & M's
where there is a wide variety chocolates and delicious and interesting things you can buy another store in which I could find and buy many things were in the toy from Disney, is a very large store where you can find many creative things and compare memories of the most highlights, there are also many shops where you could find clothes that are very fashionable and seen others that are unique to the haute couture fashion, certainly very modern shops full of Glamour.

New York is a city I was impressed not only by its shops and different places but by the style that characterizes them, is much art in this city retro mixed with modernism, as there are mergers among the best of fashion, elegance and touch of fun, one of the places that can describe this city to its perfection is Times Square, is what stands out in this city, where you see all kinds of neon lights, full color advertising, billboards advertising products known , cinema and many things in a very original.
 I had the opportunity to see this at night with my family and it was great to see everything, at night I realized that the nickname of the city that never sleeps, there are plenty of activities that can be done, as almost all restaurants are open, there are many parties and most people go out at night to relax from the hard day's work, almost all nightclubs are attractive and luxurious, there is no doubt many activities such as dining out at many restaurants, movies and of course not forgetting the Broadway musical,
I had the opportunity to go to one but heard very good comments, which are shows that most tourists are fascinated. As I have mentioned many places and I met a host of experiences, when they were the last days in this city could not miss a visit to one of the most famous Central Park certainly was a place where we all relax and which is a very quiet, I remembered all the romantic films of American cinema or comic where many scenes out of the park, ending one of our most beautiful adventure, the whole family had a boat ride, which was nice and we had many beautiful views of the whole picture, I can say that my experience of visiting this city so famous I've loved, I fell in love with all its structures, its sights, its shopping, restaurants without doubt one of the cities more perfect than I ever knew. I LOVE NY.